Arthan Finance Automated Disaster Recovery with Datamotive’s EasyHybridDR



Arthan Finance is a leading organization operating in one of the most regulated and highly competitive markets. Business continuity, along with ensuring their critical financial services, stands at the top of the list to them.

Business Challenges

Arthan Finance found the existing DR solution presented significant challenges. Some of these concerns included but not limited to:

  • High Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs): The recovery of critical applications post disaster took over 4 hours, thus impacting business continuity and customer service.
  • Manual Recovery Processes: Disaster recovery involved multiple manual steps, thus increasing the risk of potential human error, leading to further delays.
  • Poor Orchestration: The lack of automatable workflows impeded faster execution of disaster recovery.
  • Inefficient Failback: Use of traditional full data duplication for failback resulted in further escalating the costs and consequent delay in failover.

Datamotive’s EasyHybridDR: Highlights

Arthan Finance implemented Datamotive's EasyHybridDR, a cloud-based DR solution. Key features of EasyHybridDR that addressed Arthan's challenges include:

  • Automated Orchestration: EasyHybridDR automates the entire DR process, including failover and failback, eliminating manual intervention and minimizing human error.
  • Rapid Recovery: Datamotive's solution greatly reduced RTOs to just 10 minutes, ensuring faster application recovery after a disaster.
  • Optimized Failback: EasyHybridDR utilizes differential data replication for failback, significantly reducing egress costs and shortening failover times.


  • Significantly reduced RTOs: Application recovery time decreased from over four hours to 10 minutes.
  • Improved business continuity: Faster recovery minimized service disruption, maintaining customer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced operational efficiency: Automated workflows eliminated manual errors and improved the efficiency of the DR process.
  • Reduced operational costs: Optimized failback with differential data replication lowered egress costs and improved overall cost-effectiveness.


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Arthan Finance Automated Disaster Recovery with Datamotive’s EasyHybridDR

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