Who We Are

Datamotive is an enterprise workload mobility company. We are a group of experienced data specialists who are passionate about providing the most cost-effective, quality solution for cloud migration and disaster recovery.

We enable the seamless movement of entire workloads in a hybrid multi-cloud environment and the quick recovery of lost data.

Simply put, we’ve made it possible for you to recover or move your data from any cloud to any cloud in the time it takes you to drink a cup of hot beverage (of your choice).

The cloud infrastructure has always faced many challenges. And unfortunately, many businesses have suffered major data losses. We want to prevent that from ever happening to your organization.

Our aim is to protect organizations from data losses caused by cloud security misconfigurations, data breaches, or the corruption of company networks.

The Datamotive cloud migration and data recovery solution

  • Enables the restoration of cloud data in record time.
  • Enables freedom of data movement from any on-premise virtualization platform or any major hyperscale cloud platform.
  • Is built with workload mobility for the hybrid cloud in mind. Our agentless model means you can seamlessly migrate data across various cloud platforms with low latencies.

Our reliable data recovery and data mobility solution guarantees successful business continuity. It also helps businesses meet current and forthcoming governmental regulations for data integrity and security.

With a cloud disaster recovery system that outperforms current cloud recovery services, we can confidently say that we are achieving our mission.

Our top-notch services knock out the competition in the areas of mobility, SLA (Service Level Agreement), size, and cost.

Who We Serve

Datamotive caters to businesses in various industries. Our innovative cloud migration and data recovery solution is fit for all businesses, small and large. We have been privileged to work with businesses in the following industries.

  • Banking

    Banking & Finance

  • healthcare


  • Manufacturing


  • Retail


  • Industrial


Our Services

  • Armour


    Your Data Knight In Shining Armour

    Datamotive is dedicated to rescuing and restoring all of your most valuable data in just 10 minutes. The instability of cloud infrastructure today leaves your company’s database vulnerable to malicious attacks and human error. That’s where we come in. Our unique multi-cloud replication system coupled with an advanced recovery engine makes data loss a worry of the past. We can help you natively, securely, and instantly recover your data.

  • Sailing clouds


    Smooth Sailing In the Cloud

    Datamotive makes the process of moving workloads from one cloud to another smooth sailing. Workload size is not a limiting factor for us.

    Our solution enables seamless mobility of entire workloads across and between any cloud. We support migration between Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, VMware, and more.

  • Coninuity


    Bounce Back Like a Boomerang

    Our promise to you: No matter the cause, no matter the location, your data will be back in 10.

    No one executes data recovery like us.

    Whether your data loss is caused by a ransomware attack, a malicious internal or external attack, or a hardware failure we have you covered.

    You can entrust Datamotive to restore your on-premise and cloud data in no more than 10 minutes making data loss a simple hiccup in your business operations. Bounce back with ease, no stress, like a boomerang, and in record time.

    Datamotive is what you need to run your business with minimal cloud data interruption. Save costs, maintain your reputation and keep providing incredible products and services to your customers with the help of Datamotive.

ESG Policy

Datamotive is committed to being a responsible company, integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations across all operations. Our mission is to conduct business sustainably, focusing on the well-being of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, and the broader community.

We adhere to the highest standards in data recovery and handling, ensuring transparency, reliability, and security in all our processes. Datamotive will implement clear and transparent data handling practices, obtain informed consent from data owners, and communicate openly about how their data will be used and protected.

We are dedicated to -

  1. Compliance

    Adhering to all applicable ESG laws and regulations, global best practices, and stakeholder requirements.

  2. Integration

    Embedding ESG principles into our business opportunities, improving our Environmental & Social Management Plan (ESMP) through regular monitoring and updates.

  3. Training and Capacity Building

    Promoting an ESG-focused culture through continuous training and capacity building for our personnel and partners.

  4. Stakeholder Engagement

    Addressing stakeholder concerns through a robust grievance redressal mechanism (GRM).

  5. Transparency and Communication

    Disclosing our ESG policy, practices, and performance to relevant stakeholders through appropriate channels.

ESG at Datamotive is driven by senior management, ensuring top-down commitment to sustainable business practices and long-term value generation.

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Yogesh Anyapanawar

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